“Diversity makes us stronger”
Fostering diversity in the workplace, as well as an inclusive and equitable environment,
from employer to employee. This is how we do it.
Diversity in the workplace has been a hot topic in recent years, but it is far more than a buzzword. It benefits employees, employers, and the society we live in. This is what it means to us.
- What even is diversity in the workplace?
- The benefits of diversity in the workplace
- How to foster diversity in the workplace?
What even is diversity in the workplace?
Diversity in the workplace means having a workforce with different skills, backgrounds, and experiences. Otherwise, it refers to providing every individual equal opportunity, rights, and resources, regardless of gender, age, or background.
A while ago, I lead a conversation (which we call Near Talk) about Multiculturalism, in which we tried to explore together the meaning of diversity and multiculturalism at Near Partner. As an IT recruiter, I consider this to be one of the most complex but fundamental topics to ponder when working in a collaborative environment.
According to Catarina, our Accounting and Finance Manager, diversity “is what makes us stronger, what makes us think differently”. I asked one of Near Partner’s developers, Christopher, how he would define multiculturalism: “Multiculturalism is the practical coexistence of different cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs in which all are accepted and respected.” Ricardo Cotilho, on the other hand, thinks that multiculturalism should be “more than a ‘passive’ acceptance”; in his mind, multiculturalism should be “the existence of an environment or society where all people from different backgrounds feel that they are part of common equality and not a segregated minority”.
There are different dimensions of diversity in the workplace, which can be internal (the inner, immutable characteristics of an individual), external (situational or circumstantial characteristics), or even organizational (relating to an individual’s position, affiliation, or background within an organization).
Below are some of the many dimensions of diversity in the workplace here at Near Partner:
- Gender and sex
- Sexual orientation
- Ethnicity, race, and nationality
- Religion and spirituality
- Age
- Physical and mental abilities
- Educational, cultural and socio-economic background
- Language
- Political beliefs
The benefits of diversity in the workplace
How does an organization and its people benefit from diversity in the workplace?
Stronger company culture
Company culture is the set of principles and values by which a company and its people guide themselves in relation to work. With more diversity in the workplace, the company culture becomes more inclusive, broader, and more complete, ensuring no one is excluded, and all the people contribute to it.
Positive employer/brand reputation
Employers who treat their employees fairly, and equitably, and show tolerance to different backgrounds, are often perceived as brands that value inclusivity, equality, and social responsibility. These are all positive characteristics that resonate with customers, employees, and stakeholders alike.
Deeper understanding of customers
Having diversity in the workplace can be very helpful in dealing with diverse customers. People with specific experiences and backgrounds connect on a deeper level with customers with similar experiences and backgrounds.
More creativity, productivity, and innovation
Ideas aren’t created out of thin air, rather, ideas and inspiration are a result of one’s own mind, but also one’s experiences. A diverse workforce will inspire innovation by adding different perspectives to the mix, often leading to “outside of the box” solutions to problems.
Increased employee engagement
Diversity in the workplace means creating a welcoming environment for all identities, which will allow people to identify and feel a sense of belonging in the organization. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that inclusion and diversity in the workplace lead to more trust in the employer, thus increasing engagement.
Increased returns
According to McKinsey’s 2015 Diversity Matters study – performed with data from 366 managers in Canada, Latin America, the UK, and the US – companies in the top quartile for racial, ethnic and gender diversity are more likely to generate larger financial returns. The study also suggests that diversity in the workplace seems to be correlated with better performance.
How to foster diversity in the workplace?
For us at Near Partner, fostering diversity in the workplace is a continuous effort. Here are some ways to make your organization a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable place:
Be aware of bias
Whether we fight it or not, it’s impossible to be completely unbiased. Everything in our lives causes us to have some kind of bias, conscious or unconscious. One thing that is possible, though, is to be aware that these biases exist and try to root them out. Acknowledging bias is the first step to a more diverse workplace.
Promote pay equity
Especially in larger organizations, it is quite easy to miss some pay gaps, patterns, or trends within departments, that may be hurting some groups of the workforce.
Offer diversity and sensitivity training
It is not uncommon for people who benefit from some sort of privilege – whatever that may be – to be effectively blind to others’ struggles. Diversity and sensitivity training can help increase awareness and understanding of diversity issues in the workplace, helping also to avoid clashes, misunderstandings, and discrimination.
Review company policies
Many of the policies in your organization may not be as inclusive as you thought. And to truly have diversity in the workplace, you may need to review, amend, or even create new ones, from recruitment to performance evaluations. Some areas to think about are on-site daycare, flexible working hours, inclusive facilities, language barriers, and religious/cultural holidays.
Diversity in the workplace at Near Partner
Every day, we try to make Near Partner an inclusive, fair, equitable and diverse workplace where our people feel like they belong, and where they feel happy and proud. Do you think Near Partner could be the place for you? Check out our open vacancies, or send us a spontaneous application!